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How to Improve Facial Expressions?


It is said that your face is the gate towards your heart. What you think and believe is reflected in your facial expressions. Having the right facial expressions is essential to building a strong personality. Therefore, for a strong personality, we are suggesting you some beneficial tips on how to improve facial expressions.

1. Practice in Front of a Mirror:

An easy and effective way to start improving your facial expressions is through speaking while facing the mirror. you use a mirror to practice dance. This technique helps administer what the right facial expressions are. It helps you become conscious about how to improve

facial expressions.

Put on any of your favorite songs and don’t bother about dancing-just play and dance with all the possible and required expressions that you can use during specific parts of the melody. Using a mirror to test out your expressions can be very helpful because you will be able to see how your face looks, and you can rectify any expressions you don’t like personally. You could also record a video of yourself when you do this activity and take note of the conscious and unconscious faces you make.

When you genuinely practice it pays fruits. Never bother about anything...just be consistent. Along with this, one can also join personality grooming classes for the same. Keep practicing without hesitating and when thoughts of harm come, just ignore them and let them go.

2. Feelings

The moment you focus upon your feelings, emotions, and vibrations-expressions come out naturally. Let them come naturally, do not alter them. It is a thing that runs by itself. Do not try to add the mix to it, for in the end authenticity and genuineness are everything. Do not worry about anything and just analyze what you feel. For example, when I first won a trophy in a classical dance competition, my exuberance knew no end.....and at that moment I could smile from inside.

So you can think of any situation and past incident which made you truly happy and then observe your expressions closely. Allowing your facial expressions to come through naturally can make authenticity and sincerity a part of whatever you do.

3 Eyebrows:

Eyebrows are a great indicator of expressions. How your face looks, just determines a lot based on eyebrow positioning.

Different eyebrow positions show different emotions.

  • Raised and arched (meaning astonishment)

  • Lowered eyebrows ( meaning hurt sadness, or fear)

  • Drawn in the inner corners (meaning pain).

So how you keep your eyebrow position consciously, could help in building a better facial expression for you.

4 Mouth:

The mouth can convey more than just a smile. People often use their mouths to reflect different emotions. They tell the true feelings besides what you say.

Look at and observe the following:

  • A dropped jaw (which signals surprise)

  • Open mouth (meaning fear)

  • One side of the mouth raised (meaning contempt)

  • Elevated corners of the mouth (meaning happiness)

  • Corners that are drawn below (meaning sadness)

  • Other signals to look for are:

  • Lip biting (meaning anxiety)

  • Pursed lips (meaning distaste)

  • Covering the mouth (meaning to hide something)

  • This all is taught with proper guidance during personality development training.

5 Get feedback:

Ask someone you trust to evaluate your face as you speak informally. What is your facial expression when you are sad? What is your facial expression when you are happy?

It will not sometimes be understood by you. But the other person can easily detect and bring forward the required improvements. At times, we feel that we are right in what we are doing but, when seen from the other angle...this may not be true.

So getting a review from someone close to you could be an easy and helpful way to improve facial expressions.

6. Bring it into everyday practice:

Be aware and confident when you speak, keeping in mind what your face is revealing. And change it up as required to attain the emotional connectivity as required.

It should portray the meaning of what you are saying.

Next time you present yourself in front of people and speak then examine your ifs and what's properly. Do not get nervous in any way and trust what you have learned. This is the accurate time to implement the tips you have taken into consideration before.

With the right mindset and attitude, you can master facial expressions and bring them to everyday practice.


Facial expressions are a means of personal expression and personality development. This aids in building your personality and making you a confident person.

At the same time, it helps in boosting creativity and intellect.

When we work on these crucial skills like how to improve facial expressions then we can stand in front of people without hesitation.

This helps in building confidence for everything you do and helps an individual grow in life. It also helps in establishing self-trust.

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